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It used to be that people like web entrepreneurs and self-employed freelancers had to do their work from home offices and coffee shops, or, worse yet, public libraries because there really weren’t any other options. If they could find a chair, a desk, and an internet connection, have laptop will travel, and they often had to settle for less than ideal work environments. In the early 2000s, things begin to change, and independent entrepreneurs searching for an alternative to their kitchen or cafe table were delighted to discover facilities that were designed specifically for them called co-working spaces!

from that point on the concept has spread all across the globe, freelancers in Bangkok can easily find co-working space in BKK to use as their new and improved office. There are now an estimated 30,000 co-working spaces spread around the world utilized by people working remotely on their own, to corporate teams in need of a temporary workplace while working overseas!

A co-working space is an environment designed to provide accommodation to freelancers as well as people from different companies who go there to do their work with tools, services, and shared facilities provided for them, while the shared infrastructure reduces costs for everyone.

The following are some of the advantages that co-working spaces can offer:

Better ProductivityWorking at home or in a coffee shop is full of distractions, and it’s hard to get your work groove in gear in those environments. Sharing a co-working space with other focused co-workers is inspiring, and your productivity will be enhanced, not impeded. Just the fact that you have physically travelled to a place solely dedicated to working can inspire you to perform your best.

Highly Flexible – A co-working space isn’t going to force you to commit to a long-term lease the way that traditional rented office space does. Co-working spaces give startups and freelancers much more flexible contract options, from just one day to a month at a time, it’s all focused on your individual and unique needs. These highly flexible pay-as-you-go terms make the service accessible and affordable for independent, self-employed workers, start-up companies that can’t afford to rent a building, and travelling company employees visiting Bangkok, or other foreign cities, who need to get some work done.

Community Atmosphere – The truth is working from home isn’t always that great, it can make you feel stuck, and the isolation can sap your resolve. There’s no one there to bounce your ideas off of except maybe the cat, and he keeps his opinions to himself! When you leave the home office for a co-working space you are entering an atmosphere that’s super-charged with success, where like-minded professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds can share their thoughts and experiences in a relaxed, non-competitive setting.

Networking Opportunities – Another great aspect of the sense of community co-working spaces provide is the chance to network with people from diverse industries, building relationships and creating connections which can unlock opportunities you wouldn’t find sitting alone at a table in a coffee shop!

A co-working space is your space to work!

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