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Chonkus’ ability to store huge amounts of carbon could help pull carbon from the air and store it near or on ocean floors.

Scientists have discovered a green mutant microbe named “Chonkus”, which has properties that may help combat climate change.

According to Science News, Max Schubert, a microbiologist, led the team who found the green bacteria in shallow, sunny waters off the coast of Italy’s Vulcano Island.

Schubert’s team was searching for tiny organisms capable of taking in carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis. Instead, they found this naturally occurring mutant strain, Synechococcuselongatus. This is a species of Cyanobacterium.

Synechococcus elongatus has a reputation for being able to grow quickly and withstand a variety of conditions. Chonkus are like an enhanced version of microbes.

The team found that the Chonkus cells grew faster than other cyanobacteria. These cells formed larger colonies.

Chonkus also stored more carbon than any strain of Synechococcus. The microbe appeared to store the carbon within its white granules.

It was also heavier than any of its relatives. After being placed in a tube, its cells quickly sank to the bottom and formed a dense sludge.

Chonkus, with its ability to store such a large amount of carbon, could be extremely useful in pulling carbon from the air that warns about climate change and storing it near or on the ocean floor.

They can absorb more carbon dioxide than the cyanobacteria at the bottoms of the oceans and, because they sink so quickly, they are able to remove it from the air above water.

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