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Employee turnover is measured as an index of the number of employees leaving a firm during a specific period. This can be detrimental to a particular business by causing low production costs, among other things. There is a significant cause of employee turnover-: poor schedule generation, also known as allocating work schedules, tasks, and resources to the employees. Employees may become dissatisfied, stressed out, and less efficient if their schedules could be better planned. Businesses should, therefore, avoid the trap of inefficient schedules by using good scheduling techniques and software suited for formulating fair, flexible, and productive schedules. This increases engagement, satisfaction, and retention of employees.

What is Employee Scheduling Software?

The other form of software useful for automating and simple employee scheduling includes employee scheduling software. By using this software, you can generate, maintain, and update the timetable quite flawlessly and conveniently. 

Some more benefits of using employee scheduling software are:

  • Automated schedules will save time and money on manual and administrative work associated with employee scheduling.
  • This will help you enhance efficiency by eliminating human errors when undertaking employee scheduling.
  • It also supplies transparent and easy ways to read schedules and log books that track employees’ activity.
  • Efficient use of labor is one of the benefits of this productivity improvement.
  • You can increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty because it ensures that your customers’ demands and expectations are met by having sufficient employees on board.

Employee Scheduling Techniques

Some of the ways or practices on how you can come up with and control employee schedules are called employee scheduling techniques

Some of the common employee scheduling techniques are:

  • Fixed scheduling: In this case, your team’s shifts become regular while the working hours remain constant at weekly or monthly intervals. This helps to keep your workforce, as well as customers, in stable and predictable conditions. Nonetheless, this might prove restrictive, thus limiting your flexibility and adaptability to different environmental dynamics or requirements.
  • Rotating scheduling: This involves switching up the days and times that your employees work frequently by changing their shifts. This enables you to offer variation and choice to your employees and customers. Nevertheless, it may need to be clarified among your employees and clients.
  • Flexible scheduling: This is where your employer allows you to select or change shifts and hours that fall within particular boundaries set down. This could give independence and empower your employees and customers. 
  • On-call scheduling refers to forcing your employees to come on short calls or be ready to serve during high demands. Agility and flexibility regarding your workforce’s and customers’ needs will be achieved this way. Moreover, it may lead to anxiety and doubts among the workforce and those they service.

How to Carry Out Employees Scheduling?

It is not a straightforward work scheduling for employees. It needs planning, communication, and flexibility. There are many factors that you should take into account, including your business needs, your employee needs, your legal requirements, and your customer needs.

Here are some steps that you can follow to do scheduling for employees:

  • Analyze your business needs and forecast your demand: A schedule should reflect what you want to accomplish with regard to your business, as well as your goals and objectives. Also, you will be required to evaluate your customers’ demands and expectations as well as how your employee scheduling will be helpful in meeting them. This requires the use of historical data, market trends, and customers’ views.
  • Evaluate your workforce needs and availability: Evaluate your workforce size, its skills suitability and availability, and what role a better employee schedule can play in enhancing it. The employee schedule will have to consider the preferences, requests, and limitations of employees. The second step will require you to use surveys, interviews, and feedback.
  • Create your schedule: You should make your own schedule based on these criteria of your business, employees’ needs, and the method to choose for your employee schedule. Make sure your schedule is equitable and takes into account your legal and ethical duties. In this respect, using employee scheduling tools like Buddy Punch will also be beneficial to you.
  • Communicate your schedule: As fast as it is, you need to give this information in a clear way to those around you; they are – your employees and clients. It is important to tell them why you will do it as well as explain its positive points to them and answer their queries. This step can be done through email, phone, or text.

Tips and Best Practices for Employee Scheduling

Employee scheduling can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also be a rewarding and beneficial process. By using effective employee scheduling techniques, you can reduce employee turnover and retain your best talent. Here are some tips and best practices that you can use to improve your employee scheduling:

  • Consider your employee dynamics and preferences: Your employee scheduling must consider the personality traits, relationship dynamics, and preferences of your employees and their impact on that. Shun favoritism, discrimination, and nepotism among your colleagues and strive towards the promotion of diverse cultures and teamwork. Also, ensure that you have some form of respect for their work-life balance, giving them enough resting period.
  • Recognize the differences between shifts and roles: Your employee scheduling should, therefore, take into account the variations between the work of various shifts and roles and their effects on the employees. Such pay should be fair enough and commensurate with working different shifts and roles. There should also be ample training and support provided. Rotation of your employees across shifts and work roles, as well as adequate opportunities for professional development, are required, too.
  • Hire when you need to hire and train when you need to train: In a nutshell, it is very important to hire the correct number of employees that will cater to both your business and your customer’s needs without understaffing or overstaffing. You should also ensure that you adequately and regularly train your employees without either overtraining or undertraining them. Make sure that your employees possess appropriate competencies and information on recent alterations or improvements.
  • Promote open and transparent communication with your employees:It is essential to interact closely with your colleagues regularly and consult them during the course of schedule making. A good manager should be involved in listening to the issues of his/her employees or team members, resolving any problems they may raise, and giving a positive response to their feedback, suggestions, and performance review comments.


Employee turnover is very critical as it affects the success of a business. Employee scheduling is one of the key determinants of employee turnover. Poor employee scheduling results in dissatisfied employees, stress, and decreased productivity at work. To achieve this, companies require scheduling strategies, including schedule generation and management tools for developing equitable, adaptable, and productive plans. 

One of the greatest employee scheduling software solutions is ProHance – an employee performance analysis and productivity measurement platform that furnishes live information, load leveling, auto timesheets, etc. Businesses that adopt ProHance will experience increased employee engagement, increased personnel satisfaction and retention, and reduced turnover among their staff members. Today, the ideal answer to deal with hybrid team management is ProHance.

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